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Sunday, July 5, 2015

July Currently...

Whew...little late on this one. Better late than never, right?!?!
Listening:  Two of my three children are working on their basketball skills in the garage. It's so sweet to hear my oldest son "coaching" my youngest son. Melts a momma's heart!
Loving:  I love long summer evenings. 'Nuff said.
Thinking: Our first day of school isn't until Aug 31 this year (very late for us!). However, we have a huge rally that our town hosts each year. It's kind of a big deal - it takes our population from about 7,000 to an estimated 1.2 million this year. As a result, life as we know it shuts down during the last week of July/first week of August. I really need to buckle down a little now to be ready to get back in the teaching game next month.
Wanting: Each year, my kids and I brainstorm a summer fun list that hangs on our fridge all summer long. We check things off as we go - nothing fancy, not necessarily big stuff but the stuff that makes great memories. Tourist attractions, making popsicles, yard yahtzee. That kind of stuff. Anyway...we've made a pretty good dent in it so far but there's still plenty of summer fun to be had!
Needing: Blogging/work. Already covered that!
All Star:  This is a little bit nerdy but I have really nice handwriting. Backstory: we moved when I was in third grade. My new teacher ridiculed my handwriting in front of the class on my second day. I.Was.Mortified. and still remember to this day. As a result, I spent a lot of time perfecting my handwriting to make sure that never happened again.