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Sunday, July 5, 2015

July Currently...

Whew...little late on this one. Better late than never, right?!?!
Listening:  Two of my three children are working on their basketball skills in the garage. It's so sweet to hear my oldest son "coaching" my youngest son. Melts a momma's heart!
Loving:  I love long summer evenings. 'Nuff said.
Thinking: Our first day of school isn't until Aug 31 this year (very late for us!). However, we have a huge rally that our town hosts each year. It's kind of a big deal - it takes our population from about 7,000 to an estimated 1.2 million this year. As a result, life as we know it shuts down during the last week of July/first week of August. I really need to buckle down a little now to be ready to get back in the teaching game next month.
Wanting: Each year, my kids and I brainstorm a summer fun list that hangs on our fridge all summer long. We check things off as we go - nothing fancy, not necessarily big stuff but the stuff that makes great memories. Tourist attractions, making popsicles, yard yahtzee. That kind of stuff. Anyway...we've made a pretty good dent in it so far but there's still plenty of summer fun to be had!
Needing: Blogging/work. Already covered that!
All Star:  This is a little bit nerdy but I have really nice handwriting. Backstory: we moved when I was in third grade. My new teacher ridiculed my handwriting in front of the class on my second day. I.Was.Mortified. and still remember to this day. As a result, I spent a lot of time perfecting my handwriting to make sure that never happened again.  


  1. Wow you're so lucky that you don't start until Aug 31st! We're Aug 17th for teachers & 24th with kids. Time is flying by though...need to start thinking about getting ready also. Good luck to you!


  2. I, also, have "really nice handwriting". I had a teacher come in one day and ask if I had really hand written what was on the board. And I'm sure you've gotten plenty of compliments because of your time perfecting it.
    I'm going to try to follow you... Hopefully I push the right buttons. Lol.

  3. Your summer fun list sounds great. I want to do this with my little ones when they get older! Happy July!


  4. I also used to try to perfect my handwriting as a kid. It was SO important to me! I feel like teacher moments like that remind us to be more sensitive with our own kids-- you never know what sticks with someone! I hope your rally goes great!

    Alyssa Winter
    Ms.Winter's Wild West

  5. Oh dear, that's not nice of your teacher from childhood. But I guess you made a positive out of it for yourself!
